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[New] Adolf Hitler Biography 2021 | Facts And Details - Techno RIADS

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The dangerous Dictator of the history who was only a Postman but after the defeat of Germany , he decided to take revenge from the enemies of Germany that were only France and British

World war 1

The world war 1 was started in 1857 because the European Countries wanted to left the Ottoman Empire 

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There was a time when Ottoman Empire was super power of world but now in 1857 , the Ottoman Empire became weak so all the European countries could easily defeat the Ottoman Empire but if they unit only 

So all European countries attacked so the world war 1 started

In world war 1 Germany was helping the Ottoman Empire so Germany was took as a danger for Europe

So Germany also was defeated as well as Ottoman Empire was totally end

Now France and British occupied all the main cities of germany

Hitler started his Political career

Hitler was very angry at defeat and he wanted to defeat all enemies

Hitler started a party by name NAZI party 

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The Nazi party also contained about 20,000 own Soliders to take ballet on gun point

If anyone talks against Hitler , these Soliders kill him 

But it is another true that in Elections Hitler tried to attack on parliament but he failed and he spent about 9 months in jail

He tried to became chancellor of Germany but the President of Germany was awared by the planning of Hitler 

By this way Hitler could not win the elections about 6 times

But in 1922 , the France attacked on RUHR that was a industrial City 

German Action for Ruhr

Germany didn't want to lost the precious industries but there was not any other way . So the government announced that if all the factory jobions of RUHR stops the working in industries Government will have them free Money

But there was not a much amount due to WW1 , So the state Bank started to produce the German Marks I a biggest amount , .that's why the Courancy of Germany was became zero . 

If anyone had to buy a packet of breads than he brings about 1 million Marks 

People started to burn the Courancy notes in place of woods

The people with few lack marks of Germany were consider as they didn't have any money




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Hitler observed that all chancelors are fail to cover these bad situations

These situations are discussed in part 1 , link is given at the end

Hitler is Now Feuhrer

As Hitler tried to win elections 7th time , he successfully won the 268 seats out of 600 

In 1932 He controlled the power of president also and then your on January 1933 he also controlled the Army by taking the seat of CHEIF OF ARMY STAFF also

After that he redirect the vice chancellor PUPIN

In 1934 he got the power of dictator after that he broke all essamblies , parties , as well as parliament

He discovered a seat of leader that was called FURIR . Hitler became all in one . All the Germans were regular to buy and read the book of Hitler that was. MINE CAMPS . Germans were strickly ordered to follow Hitler and that should not go against of Hitler

Army was under controlled . And then HITLER thought that now pay attention at enemies

Hitler For Enemie

He stoped the payment of amount equals to 96000 tons gold as panalty of fight with France and British

In only 1 year he prepared an ARMY of 50 lack Soliders 

This Army was the largest Army of the world for only few years . Hitler attacked on France in octuber 1936 . He conquired the areas which were occupied by France 

Than on Eastern side , Germany attacked on Austria and completed his land

Than Hitler wanted to take the areas from British . England give these areas peacefully . At this Hitler thought that England was afraid from Germany

When Hitler occupied all France ?

How Hitler got defeated first time ?

Hitler killed how many Christian's ?

War with France

Hitler was a great enemy of France and British because they had applied restrictions on Germany 

Hitler now knows that he is powerful than France so he attacked on France

Within 5 weeks France was occupied be Hitler 

Than Hitler attacked on Poland in octuber , 1934

War With British

After conquiring the main cities of Poland , Hitler wanted to take revenge with British

The British prime minister was CHERCHIL who didn't afraid from Hitler but he became ready for war

British had prepared a new technology of LIDAR

The technology of LIDAR was fresh at that time and was only available in British

These lidars destroyed about 1600 fighter jets of Hitler

Now it was biggest defeat for Germany

Hitler felt that British is not a biggest country or area to conquer so he began to prepare his army to attack on Russia 

Hitler didn't know that Russia is not easy to occupied

CHANGEZ KHAN , CHERCHLE , NIPOLEAN triesd their best to conquired RUSSIA but dew to strong Army and coldest weather of RUSSIA they all defeated

ALLAMA IQBAL and GANDHI tried to told Hitler that now he is going on wrong way , he can face a biggest defeat

Hitler was in the hope to be a biggest FEURER 

He attacked on Russia on the other hand his friend MOSOOLINI needed help . He stoped the war of Russia for sometime and attacked on ITALY 

World war 2 

After 4 weeks he returned to RUSSIA but it was too late .

RUSSIAN Army was alert against German army . WORLD WAR 2 startedPublished from Blogger Prime Android App

How Hitler survived in WORLD WAR 2 ?

World War 2 was the last horrible and deadly moment on the earth

This war was started by ADOLF HITLER 

He was dictator of Germany . He wanted to occupied all Russia but due to a bit late , he stucked in WORLD WAR 2

Friendship with America

He didn't want to fight with America because America was or is a super power . So , it could be proved a biggest mistake so Hitler decided to be a friend of America

But Hitler was famous for his illusion so America didn't Accept his friendship

As America attacked against Germany , Hitler felt himself helpless and his biggest army was already defeated by Russia 

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Hitler was in great trouble and angre 

In this situation , Japan helped Hitler against America 

When a port of America was distroyed by Japan , America decided revenge

Last Moments of war

This revenge was completed in the shape of world's first nuclear attack

First attack was on HIROSHIMA ,

2nd was on NAGASAKHI

When world war 2 took a horrible shape , many countries laid their weapons and the richest countries like CHINA , FRANCE , RUSSIA , ENGLAND  make a committee to stop the war 

This institute was signed by America in June 1946 by name of UNITED NATIONS

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