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[New] Shaheen 3 Ballistic Missile Of Pakistan - Techno RIADS

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Shaheen Missiles

Shaheen is a urdu language word that represents a Bird " White Falcon " . 
Shaheen missiles are the best missile system of Pakistan . 

In 1970,s when India test it's best missile system that was name  PRITHVI 

PRITHVI missile 

This missile system was tested by india in 1970 for the first time . It's Range was near about 780 KMs . It was a advance technology missile in that time . 
Prithvi was the name of a Hindu king who was defeated second time by Muhammad Ghouri .
So , Pakistan tested a missile on the second month of the test of Prithvi

Ghouri Missile

This system balanced the power comparison between India and Pakistan . 
This missile was named Ghouri Missile on the name of Muhammad Ghouri that was competitor of Raja Prithvi Singh .
This missile range was near about 1000 kilometers . 
But Now  Pakistan has been most developed in the case of Missile system 
Shaheen Ballistic Missiles are very good examples 

There are three generations of Shaheen missile 
  1. Shaheen 
  2. Shaheen 2 
  3. Shaheen 3 


Shaheen missile was a short range ballistic missile with the range capacity of 700 Kms


SHaheen 2 is a middle range ballistic missile that has a range capacity of 1200 KMs


Shaheen 3 is a long range ballistic missile of Pakistan that has unspecified range . 
But according to DG ISPR , this missile has range of 1700 KMs . 
But on 12-Febraury - 2021 , the range of Shaheen lll was increased to 2200 KMs .

But American Media and BBC NEWS did not satisfied with statement of ISPR . 

According to Media , Shaheen lll is not a long range ballistic missile . It is an IÇBM system 

What is ICBM ?

IÇBM is a power missile system that can destroy any target from 1 continent to other . Its range is near about 5000 to 7000 KMs
It's abbreviations are International Continental Ballistic Missile . 
So America thought that shaheen lll is ICBM . 



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